"I am looking for a young lady named Sabrina who used to be a waitress at a Buffalo Wild...
So, if you don't know (or haven't read my blogs lately) my hypochondria has been extremely bad and causing...
So im hoping this will do a little something for me i like talking about my feelings so i...
Annnnd I mess up again!
Ghostgirl, , Depression, Anger, Personality Disorder, Relationships, Stress, 0So things are kinda messed up right now. After the new guy (NG) disappeared, I did some digging and...
My broken Heart
IresQyou, , HIV or Aids, Career, Grief, Medication, Personality Disorder, Sex Therapy, Sleep Disorders, Suicide, Therapist, Therapy, Weight Loss, 3Some of you may know that I am a psychologist by education and my education is extensive with 3...
Wavering between thoughts and decisions
Steph_jn, , Depression, Anger, Depression, Personality Disorder, 2I am thinking that it is me. It has to be me. If I am a nice person they...
Now that I know I have OCD, it's easier to deal with all of the terrible intrusive thoughts that...
Usually I keep my blogs strictly about anxiety, since this why I'm on here, but I feel like this...
So, I had this huge fight with my sister (my sole support person) on Sunday. For the past several...
Addicted to Strippers
TheColonel, , Addiction, Child, Personality Disorder, Relationships, Sex Therapy, 0I am so very lonely. I am 32 years old and have never had a girlfriend that has lasted...