I actually forgot to take my phy on tuesday, i remembered late before bed but i wasnt at home so...
Obsessing about my weight/face
katmando, , OCD, Anxiety, Career, Codependency, Forgiveness, OCD, Questions, Therapist, 0Hey There: I am actually doing really good for the most part I went on the interview and...
“Madness: A Bipolar Life”
Louisiana1976, , Depression, Addiction, Bipolar, Child, Depression, Domestic Abuse, Eating Disorder, Sex Therapy, Therapist, 1by Marya Hornbacher is the shattering sort of <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Madness-Bipolar-Life-Marya-Hornbacher/dp/0618754458">memoir</a> about which I've a personal rule of not starting...
Im sat in bed listening to the rain, im tired and need some sleep but i cant i ve...
Stuff going on……
KizzyT31, , Addiction, Addiction, Anxiety, Career, Questions, Relationships, Social Anxiety, Stress, Therapist, 2Well today is a big kinda day for me…im going on a date! the first one iv been on...