Since this weekend, I’ve had this nasty cold. My nose has been running every 10 minutes, a pounding headache,...
Panic attack seems like it will never end
Alleyanne123, , Anxiety, Addiction, Anxiety, Career, Depression, Grief, Medication, Schizophrenia, Sleep Disorders, Suicide, Therapist, Therapy, 0I am what seems to be now on a four day panic frenzy. I do not know when it...
9/17/2017 – The Weekend: Two Days is not Enough Time
Allydancer, , Anxiety, Depression, Teens, Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Divorce, Personality Disorder, Relationships, Religion, Sleep Disorders, Suicide, Therapist, Weight Loss, 0The weekend, supposedly everyone’s favorite days of the week. I actually am not always a weekend person. I need...
Here’s To Trying Something Different
Caitiemae, , Anxiety, Teens, Anxiety, Child, Medication, Questions, Relationships, Therapist, 0Well I’m Caitie. im not exactly sure how the tribe works.. but here is a bit of myself.. i...
Last Year Of High School, Another Bothersome Beginning
ASBishop, , Anxiety, Depression, OCD, Teens, Anger, Anxiety, Borderline Personality Disorder, Depression, OCD, Questions, Sleep Disorders, Stress, Therapist, 0Sept. 13th School has been back for 7 days now, not counting the weekends. To be perfectly honest, even...
introduction to myself
baileythrienen, , Anxiety, Depression, Teens, Anxiety, Child, Depression, Divorce, Domestic Abuse, Eating Disorder, Medication, Relationships, Social Anxiety, Therapist, 0Hello, my name is Bailey Threinen. I am 15 years old and a sophomore in high school. I have...
Life after the loss of my son
lanxkim, , Depression, Child, Grief, Relationships, Therapist, Therapy, 0I lost my 19 year old son Joshua on March 7, 2012. This journey has shown me many...
TRIBE…and my dream about dancing….. isolation and belonging
SummerStorm, , Anxiety, Depression, Anxiety, Child, Depression, Relationships, Social Anxiety, Therapist, Therapy, 0I recently read, well actually listened to, a book called TRIBE: On Homecoming and Belonging by Sebastian Junger. What...
Long Story Short – Depression and Anxiety
lilyankate98, , Anxiety, Depression, Addiction, Anxiety, Depression, Eating Disorder, Medication, Schizophrenia, Social Anxiety, Therapist, Weight Loss, 0There is a long story to why I have the issues I do today. When I started college, I...
Who I Am…
hiddenamy22, , Anxiety, Depression, LGBT, Teens, Anxiety, Depression, Lesbian, Gay, LGBTQ, Questions, Relationships, Therapist, 0I am a highschooler and have been questioning my sexuality for a couple years now. I began to identify...