When I first joined here, everyone was very nice and accepting. Those who reached out I apologize for not keeping in contact. The reason being I was in a car accident. My car was totaled, my body badly bruised and my left wrist shattered. I had to be cut out of my car, and I spent the next few days in Surgical ICU. The police were unable to sight the driver that hit me, because she said I ran the light; so my insurance has to pay. I have an external fixture and internal pins that should come out in a few weeks; then about a year of therapy for the nerve damage. I have been out of work now for four weeks and it looks like it will be another four become I back 100% at my job. In this economy I don’t know anyone that can afford to take that kind of time off of work not to mention all the medical expenses. The reason for me telling my story is because through it all I have been able to maintain a clam that I didn’t think was possible with my anxiety issues. Before the accident I worried about everything and got anxious when I had to pay bills or do school work, but since my accident I view things so differently. Life is so very precious and can be taken in an instant, so why spend the time worrying then you can spend time living. I know that it is not easy been when we really look at things he know that being anxious and worried solve nothing. So I have just started putting things into a perspective using “why worry about this or that, life is short, I am going to enjoy it”. I think we should learn to control it and not let it control our lives. I say “stand up, and take control”! I did, however I will still anxious and overwhelmed, but I put it into perspective, push it back, and take control. Thanks so much!



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