First of all, I want to thank all of you who read my blog about my sister and my dog passing away and expressed your sympathy and good wishes. I really appreciate that. I loved my sister dearly and will miss her terribly, but it is different with my dog. I haven't lived with my sister in 40 years. I see my dog everywhere I look. I automatically "adjust" for him when I'm opening the door, telling him to move when he's curled up against the stove in the kitchen and it's time to cook, all those habits you develop when some little guy is around all the time. I still expect to see him when I come home; automatically watch the time to make sure we aren't gone from home too long so we can let him out. It's incredible what a difference it makes. I keep wanting to go get him back from the vet's office.

But, enough of that. Some people expressed an interest in this new therapy I'm in, called "Dialetical Behavior Therapy", or DBT, in addition to regular cognitive behavior therapy. DBT is supposed to teach you new good behaviors and thoughts to replace the bad ones that keep recurring. I've only gone once and I have very mixed feelings about it. Everyone keeps saying what a good therapy it is, but it isn't easy for me. It's once a week for an hour and a half and there is "homework". The homework part is hard for me, plus I'm not used to being in a group. Yep, it's group therapy – but not like typical group therapy. It's more like a class-type structure. I have problems with it because I don't like change and it has disrupted my entire schedule of activities for the week and I'm not too much on writing about personal things to talk about or let other people see. Those are just my hang-ups, though. I keep telling myself that I can do it because it's going to help me be a better, happier person and everybody endorses it. It probably works better for some people than others. I'm going to carry through with it, but I can't tell you I'm looking forward to it.

DBT is supposed to be very good at teaching you how to replace recurring bad behavior for positive good behavior. If anyone is interested, I can give you updates from time to time to let you know how and if it is working.

Must be off to do the breakfast thing. Thanks for listening. Maryanne


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