My Name is Alexis Sky. I joined, so I can find people who know what pain is….My life has been, rough. I've been in about 8 houses and 8 different schools. New people. New places. New life, everytime. My parents divorced, I witnessed my mom being beat many times by him. She meets a new guy, my old stepdad. He put me through HELL. Mental abuse, everyday. This is about the time I started cutting. And the thoughts of suicide. They eventuall, AFTER  YEARS, divorced. Then, my dad. My stupid, ignorant dad, commits suicide. Only 4 months have passed and I still can barley make it through the days. I wake up, look in the mirror. Throw on the fake smiles, and walk through the halls of hell. I stopped eating for about 3 weeks, then. I dont know. I just had to eat for my boyfriend and some friends. Some days, I still lie. If they knew I didnt eat still, they would be mad. And I must not let them see my cry. If they knew, they would throw a bitch fit and go to the counselor again. I feel like i'm fading, and one day i'm going to be gone. Completely. Things happen, but ive made some promises that I would never let go. But once again, things happen. I'm trying my best, but not suceeding. I'm so tired, but I can't sleep. I've lost someting I cant replace. Daddy, he was the best man in my life. He helped me when things got tough, even though we had problems. Then, he leaves me. All those "i love you's" were fake, lies.  He left me with nothing, I feel psychotic. I feel mental. I feel as if my mind isn't proper. I dont feel in tune. I'm not in tune. Dear God, may my last string keep me alive.


     Alexis Sky


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