I never go to functions alone, but decided what the hell.  This was one that I really wanted to go to.  I saw it in the paper last week. 

It was our uni's chamber choir.  (The school where my sister goes).  They had lovely voices, and the guy's who played the guitar were good too, the guy was good on the piano but no way as good as the ex. He was a piano extraordinaire. The guy playing the piano was cute, anyhow.

Before, they began I sat there in quiet.  I felt like I was the only one there without, someone. I even heard my name being whispered at one point.  I know it sounds crazy, but I did.  I do not hear voices.  Yet, I do not know anyone in my city so I don't know what that was all about.

Then, not to forget the guy in the green sweater and the girl in the Lisa Lobe type glasses. He kept smiling at her, like he was in love and she kept leaning on his shoulder so I couldn't see the choir at one point.  They even kissed at one point and I just had to look away.  I miss being close to someone.

I thought about my ex and I know that he would have loved the concert and then I thought that if I plan on going to that school than I really should be in that choir.   

I also came to the reality that I need to start going to places alone because I'm so sick of the idea of never going anywhere because I have noone to go with. I have to break out of this pattern. 








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