I've gone to the same cheap, local mental health clinic for many years now. I've grown very disenchanted with them lately. I suspect that they may be montoring my internet use, without my knowledge or permission – so I am putting this out there for them to read if they are indeed monitoring me. I know that sounds a bit paranoid, on the surface. But frankly, nothing would surprise me anymore from those people. I'm throwing this bait into the water, and I dare you people to bite, if you are reading this….

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The mental health profession – it is an industry. And that's what I hate about it – the fact that it is a money driven industry. Though it would be naïve of me to doubt that anything in this world is not closely tied to money.
nI also hate the fact that stagnation and regression seem to be perfectly acceptable outcomes in the mental health field. Indeed, they can be preferred outcomes, since that will make a person continue to require their medical "services." (If one is even willing to concede that psychiatry is truly a field of medicine at all in the first place. There is an awful lot of guess work and hocus pocus involved, for something which is considered to be science. To me, psychology text books read like philosophy rather than science) Outcomes of stagnation and regression get doctors sued in any other field of medicine.
nIf I seem bitter, it is because I am. I first got involved in the mental health industry in 1991. I was a 19 year old, full-time college student, and I worked 30 hours a week to pay all of my tuition myself. I had led a very painful life, and I had been brutalized by life and the world. But I was still functional in the world. I still lived a life. (though a very sheltered and unhappy life) So I sought out some mental health help to deal with my severe PTSD, from the abuse which I had suffered at home and out in the world. It seemed like a completely innocent thing to do.
nI didn't realize that I was stepping into a quicksand trap, from which I would never emerge. The mental health industry crippled me, by teaching me to think of myself as a helpless puppy. The effect on me, and my productiveness in the world, was devastating. I began the slow process of going from being functional to being non-functional – and ending up on disability, with no life at all. I dropped out of college, and never received any vocational training at all, except for the few crumbs which the mental health industry provided me. And year after year of therapy sessions never taught me how to interact with people better, and overcome my debilitating shyness. So it was all a waste.
nI have seen first-hand, with my own eyes, that the industry has a vested interest in keeping people down and dependent on them forever. If too many people got better, and didn't need them anymore, then the industry would cease to exist – and the "professionals" in the industry would have to find other jobs. The industry is an entity unto itself, and it has it's own interests. (which can conflict with the interests of the people who use their services)
nThe world brutalized me with abuse, but it took the mental health industry to cripple me and make me useless in the world. I will spend the rest of my life regretting the damage done to me; and strongly advising people to avoid the mental health industry at all costs.
nJust typing this, has caused my eyes to tear up, and I feel like weeping hard now.

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