What else can possibly go wrong?  I mean seriously…I've about had it with this fucking miserable excuse for a world.  My company that I used to work for, never mind the fact that they told me they'd excuse me to get psychological help, has basically lied to me.  Since I started working there, I began smoking, drinking a lot more, and now I have to take 2 antidepressants. 

If they had wanted me gone, all they had to do was fire me.

Instead, they force me into the suck-all shift, and rather than giving me a chance to appeal it, I'm told to suck it up and deal.  They've wrecked so many lives already…why are they wrecking yet another?

Oh yeah, that's right…because it's all about who has the most money in their coffers at the end of the day.

On top of that, my old store has yet to call me back.  I've already called and left messages, but no dice.  Why is it, exactly, that they tell me not to give up, to keep going when I have no ammo, no medkit, and no hope of survival?  I'm only 25 for fuck's sake, and I'm already getting gray hairs.

Am seriously debating checking myself into some kind of mental health facility.  I have no money, no insurance, but I fear that if I don't get some measure of additional help soon I won't live to see the next sunrise. 

If I'm not done in by my own hand, the stress will kill me before I hit 26.

I don't know what to do any more.


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