Yes I know it\'s been ages sinse I\'ve popped round and to be honest there isn\'t too much to update ya\'s on lol.

Well I\'ve finally moved (for those who know me) the fresh start is taking it\'s jolly old time getting started and really not alot can happen with out what I think is the starting point, a job and apparently this town is fresh outta those lol but an opportunity has come up. An old friend has finally moved with in driving distance of me and has invited me over for a party/get together thingo at hers and I actually accepted, trying so hard to not let the social anxiety get to me and influence me sinse I will know no one there and I will admit I am slightly sh*tting myself. But I remember some one on here having a similar problem about getting to gether with people and some one suggested that they try and be the 1st ones there and slowly get used to the people arriving one by one kind of thing, so I took that into account and made it happen, in fact 6 hours in advance lol (it\'s honestly the only time I can get there) so lets hope that eases it a tad along with some booze to make it just that much easier 😀 I am looking forward to it, it has been far too long sinse I have seen any friends, drank and just relaxed, so it should be good.

It was my 21st yesterday YAY for me, had a good day and a good day today when my grandparents drove down to visit.

Oh we have a new addition to the household, a KITTY, a nasty beast he is lolo but thats ok I was looking for a cat who could hold its own against my puppy hahaha, nah they get along great, once I work out (AGAIN) which file type this silly place will accept I will upload some photos of ma beasty boys.


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