When i think of what i want to get out of life, i think of 6 things: success, peace, to make my brother proud, true friendship, healthy relationships, and love. All of these things are important to me, and i want to fulfill each goal i have set.

Sucess means alot to me because i want to prove that I am capable of doing whatever I set my mind to, and to prove that I am not going to be what the people in my past have told me I am going to be. I want to be a person that helps people that have been through things that were traumatizing, so i guess that means I want to be a therapist. The reason why i say that is becauseI have been though a lot and have survived, so I want to show others that they can get through it and come out a survivor. Also, I would like to get all of my poems I have written published because I think that if people all around the world read what what I have written and see the way i have grown, then that they will apply it to their lives and see that they can get through what they're going through too. I want them to know that it will get better.

Peace is something that i used to really struggle with. Growing up with people that treated me like I wan nothing and worthless made me bitter and cold inside. I was told I would never succeed, amd thay i was just like my birthmom. Hearing that everyday until i was 12 made me think that everybody was as cruel as those people were. So i want to be able to forgive everything everybody has said to me that put me down.

My main goal is to make my brother proud. My brother is the only family i have, and he means a lot to me. We have been though a lot together, and we've survived. However, i did some bad things that probably made him think less of m. I want him to know that I've changed, and that I'm a better person. He means the world to me, and I love him.

Friendship means a lot to me too. I'm not talking about the type of friendship that you use people, but true friendship. I want tohave a friend that truly cares about my feelings, and about me. I want that friend to acceptme for who i am, and to respect me. I want thatfriend toexpresstheir opnions too. I wanta friend that wont ditch me for someone cooler.

Healthy relationshipsis something I need to work onbecause I have a tendency todo things that bring the realtionshipdown. For example, i putmy anger out on others at times and expectthem to dealwithit. Also, i lie and manipulate the other person to stay with me. Well…I used to.Now I am trying to work onit andI'm learning how tonot put upbrick wallseverytimeIgetin a relationship. Iget cautious a lot because i am so used to being hurt that I expect other people to hurt me too. So i need and want to work on getting better at having healthy relationships. To go along with healthy realtiionships, love is something I want to find. If there isnt love, the world wouldnt exist


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