People come from different places, financial limitations, backgrounds and have different opportunities.

However, we all put on pants on the same way, unless we are missing fingers, hands or legs.

It can be a challenge though making the most of what we have going for us all the time with the ups and downs of life.

Ideally, we would all be able to grow where we are planted.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we all had the daily goal to make the world a better place everyday!

Everyone would feel uplifted!

We all have it in our power to do both little and big actions to improve our lives and the lives of others.

Once I knew of a person who took daily neighborhood walks and picked up garbage that people had thrown out their car windows or that could of blown out of recycling pick up containers.   It led to others doing the same.

I know of a cashier who cares about all the customers.   She is always willing to share encouragement, and is happy to every customer, even though she lives with chronic wrist pain.   She doesn’t even own a car to drive to work.

What difference could you make in your everyday life?

What change would you like to see at your job, your place of residence, neighborhood?

What could you do for the people who you like or love? Could you warm up their car while they get ready on a cold morning?

Could you write a thank you note to someone for doing their job well or just pass it on to their manager in a comment card what a asset they are to the business?

We all can do something for others everyday even if it is just a kind word or opening a door for another person.

The little actions that you can do for others to you may be life changing to them!

I hope that you have a healthy and content day!


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