Lately I feel anxious a lot and I don't even know why. Feeling nauseated that one night seemed to start this whole thing. Then I'd feel anxious if my stomach felt weird. Now I'm just getting anxious at weird times. I get a weird feeling in my stomach, my heart beats faster, and I get this feeling of dread when I think of the panic attacks I was having. About ten days ago I went to the emergency room because of them. But this is all so strange. I had maybe a slight problem with anxiety before, basically some social anxiety and excessive worrying, but nothing like this. I don't know if what I keep experiencing are mild panic attacks or if they're only panic attacks when they're full blown and I lose control. It's just happening in the strangest of times all of a sudden. While waiting in the car for traffic to settle after the fireworks show a few days ago, in the ride home, now after feeling uncomfortable around Dad being in a bad mood. I was also anxious before my appointment with the psychologist, but it was my first one, so it was understandable. After my visit to the hospital, I'm supposed to get counseling.

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   I feel like I can handle depression, but this anxiety is horrible. I'm getting anxious at such random times that I'm worried that I'm developing some kind of panic disorder. It started with me getting nauseated a couple weeks ago, and that would cause me anxiety, but now I don't even know what's causing it. I thought maybe something was wrong with my stomach, but I think it might be anxiety making my stomach feel weird. But where is this random anxiety coming from? I'm trying to pay attention to the situations where I get it. Maybe it has to do with me wanting to escape a situation. Like I wanted to get home after that show and it took over two hours to get out of traffic.

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    I'm seeing someone for it. I just don't have much hope that it will help. I spent over a year in treatment for depression, and I don't think it changed anything. But maybe this time it will work. I'm feeling pretty negative though.

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   I was so depressed I wished I'd just lose my mind. Maybe this is just that.

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I don't know why it is putting all these n n in here. What even.


1 Comment
  1. chipmunkthrower 9 years ago

    Hi there, Yirah. If you read my bio on my page, you'll see that I do not personally struggle with anxiety. However, after being on AnxietyTribe for about a month now and learning about several people's experiences, I have learned a little bit about what seems to help and what does not.

    First of all, whatever treatment works best is dependent upon you. for each person it is different. Some people get the most help through certain types of therapy, others through medication, and there are many other ways to combat anxiety. Like I said, I do not personally struggle with anxiety, so I cannot recommend any sort of treatment or medication, nor should I. However, I am also a student who's education is centered partly around the general topic of treatment. Therefore, I do believe that going to the emergency room and also starting to go to counseling is good on your part and can definitely help you. Try not to measure your current counseling based on your previous counseling. All counselors are different; many are better than others. How it works out this time may be totally different from last time. Also, other people on here have told me that they greatly benefit from medication. If you are not currently on medication, and you are not opposed to using it, it couldn't hurt to ask your counselor about it. It may take time for him/her to assess what type of medication to prescribe, but it cannot hurt to ask.

    I hope this helps you in some way or another. I wish you the best of luck.


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