Firstly, the collections agency got a hold of my work number and called me at work. I don't appreciate calls like that at work, it's why I don't give my work number on my paperwork, especially considering that I'm one of four people for the switchboard. I stated as such and the lady gave me her direct line to call her back when I got off work.

Now, admittedly, working with her was a lot, and I do mean a WHOLE lot easier than working with Salle Mae (see previous blogs). Let alone I got to work with one person, and can call that specific person back at any time, but they also worked with me to settle on a price I can afford!!! This baffles me since Salle Mae didn't bother, even though they knew better. It's a shame this will only work for the next 6 or 9 months. I'd rather I got treated like a human being more often.

Second problem was that my father has gotten me addicted (not literally but it IS good!) to some food. One is this Nongshim Udon Noodle Bowls, and the other is Harvest brand Hot & Sour Soup mix. Both of these foods are great and easy to prepare (especially when he showed me how to make the soup with some cudihi).

Sadly, I can't seem to get much of an answer from local grocery stores if they have either. Though, I admit I'd only tried with the Udon noodles so far. One grocery stated they were “Discontinued” which I cannot tell if they stopped selling it, or if the brand stopped making it. Our Walmart hadn't a clue, and the person who I got on the phone tried to physically look, but wouldn't know exactly where. Then the local Asian grocery wouldn't answer their phone the three times I'd called. Now I'll have to redo all those calls for the soup. Ug.

The next problem on the list was dinner. I'm sure this is a minor problem, but it gets repetitively annoying. Lately we've made less and less food for dinner, leaving me hungry. I know it's a bad idea to eat late at night so I want to fill up with dinner so I'm not still hungry before bed. Sadly, we don't really have much 'back-up' food. Most of our food is frozen, so all that I'm left with is bread or tortilla chips. (Except canned soup, but when you have that for lunch every day it gets bothersome.) I wish we had more snack food, even healthy stuff like fruits and veggies! But most of our veggies are not snack-friendly (onion; garlic; spinach or canned veggies). So I'm left hungry and the urge to snack later (crackers) is hard to put off.

Later last night my BF and I took our shower. The tub seemed to be filling up, so we assumed we just needed to use some drain-o on it (we clog it kinda often). Well, after I got out of the shower, I heard dripping noises downstairs in the kitchen. The entire shower worth of water went right through the floor and out the kitchen ceiling (specifically the light sockets). It was a MESS! All over the counters, floor, stove, clean dishes, everything! It was even starting to leak into the basement below the kitchen! We spent the next half hour to an hour trying to find the right breaker switch for the kitchen. I think there were a good half dozen of them, actually. (Bonus points: the fridge and my computer in the other room apparently were on the same breaker, even though they do not share a wall… nor even have adjacent walls…) After that we grabbed the camping lantern and a mop each. The irony was that while we were in the shower I'd commented we should clean the bathrooms and kitchen over the weekend. Especially the kitchen floor. I guess we got that done a little sooner than planned.

Finally, when I went to bed… I cold not get warm. For whatever reason, I was frozen in my arms and legs, especially my feet! My BF was already asleep so I didn't get any cuddles to warm up with. I think I finally got to sleep around 3:30am… and needed to be up at 7. Ug.


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