It's been a while since I blogged. I haven't been working out lately. I have been having headaches and just not generally feeling well. I think my hormones are a little wacky right now. I wouldn't say I am not active though. Just not as active I would like to see.

   We walked around the mall the other day and the mall is huge! lol I have been doing cleaning and stuff like that as well.

   I just really want to get on here and encourage others.  My anxiety feels alot better right now. So if you are having what I call an anxiety flare up just know it will pass. It may feel like it won't or that you feel you have no control over your thoughts, emotions or anxiety. I am telling you that your anxiety is like that. You will have set backs but they will pass.

   I was watching a brave young lady on youtube who has MS last night before I went to bed. She is so inspiring because she is always smiling and keeping a positive attitude even though her MS had flared up and she had tremors all over really bad. She said that the days she is positive she feels so much better dealing with the MS.

   So I encourage you to try and stay positive. Tell yourself some positive things about yourself. Smile because smiling is contagious and once you make someone else smile then their smile will be contagious and you just may catch it for real!

   Look at it this way. Is sulking and comlaining about how you feel going to make you or anyone around you feel better? Probably not. I know everyone needs to complain or cry or feel frustrated. I have those days too of course!  I am not saying to stuff your emotions. Please don't do that. It is really bad for your anxiety. Just make sure you don't spend all of your time focusing on negative thoughts. For every negative thought you have try to write that down and then write down an equally positive spin on your thought.  I have to really argue with myself sometimes. I will think something negative or something like "why me" and pity myself. I counter that pity with the fact that once I am all the way through this I can help others.  I have a purpose.  That is very important to have a purpose in life. You've got to find out what is going to drive you to get better and utilize it.

  I am still awaiting some tests results back but I do have the PCOS. Just don't know if I am insulin resistant yet. I am just so excited to have a diagnosis finally. It's been years coming. I am in fact so excited that it is really not that upsetting to me that I have PCOS. I have lived with it many years and in my gut I knew something was wrong. So really it is such a blessing to just have a name to go along with it. Now doctors will take me more seriously when I go in with symptoms. lol. That is just such a blessing!!

Hope this finds everyone doing well. If not give yourself some compliments.

    My goal for today is to work on my work book and do some daily mood logging. I also need to clean some stuff around my house. OH I also need to make a couple of healthy soups to put into the freezer. One is a vegetable soup and the other is red pepper soup. Both are P90X recipes! I have eaten horrible the last week so even though I am not currently working out I do plan on getting back to eating better.

  Have a wonderful weekend!!

1 Comment
  1. Babpsi 15 years ago

    Your blog is so UPLIFTING 🙂 Thanks….. Me I have my ups and downs….the more I learn about anxiety, ocd, depression, and panic attacks the more I want to help others too. I feel good when I can give some one advise and they respond with "that was helpful" or that it made them smile…. then it makes me feel really good. Even though I have been struggling with obsessive thinking and it does get so hard and I do want to cry…..I just stay busy, keep going, keep praying, keep living….Have a great weekend and I am so HAPPY you feel so GOOD 🙂


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