This is the last fucking straw..I had a hard night tonight about my Anorexia. So I was crying, the fam tried to help in a way but it made things worse..Long story short mom got over it and we fought, the whole family. Then things got physical and she knocked all the stuff off my desk and bookshelf..She almost crashed the bookshelf to the floor.she threaten to give the pets away and then I got angry, I told her if she did I shoot her..She tried to hit me but my brother stopped her, I hit her though. And as bad as it is to admit….it felt good..I'm want to leave, she wants me gone to. I told her everything I hated about her, all that pent up rage came out…I cleaned up the mess age made, as always. I told her I hope she does and rots in hell..She doesn't care she doesn't get it, she called me an ugly bitch, I already know I'm an disgusting obese pig-whale 😔.I want to die, im still debating on it tonight or tomorrow while she's at work..But I'm done. That bitch has crossed the last line. I done with recovery, with everything..Idk if I'm going to post again. ..incase I don't, goodbye everyThis is the last fucking straw..I had a hard night tonight about my Anorexia. So I was crying, the fam tried to help in a way but it made things worse..Long story short mom got over it and we fought, the whole family. Then things got physical and she knocked all the stuff off my desk and bookshelf..She almost crashed the bookshelf to the floor.she threaten to give the pets away and then I got angry, I told her if she did I shoot her..She tried to hit me but my brother stopped her, I hit her though. And as bad as it is to admit….it felt good..I'm want to leave, she wants me gone to. I told her everything I hated about her, all that pent up rage came out…I cleaned up the mess age made, as always. I told her I hope she does and rots in hell..She doesn't care she doesn't get it, she called me an ugly bitch, I already know I'm an disgusting obese pig-whale 😔.I want to die, im still debating on it tonight or tomorrow while she's at work..But I'm done. That bitch has crossed the last line. I done with recovery, with everything..Idk if I'm going to post again. ..incase I don't, goodbye everyoneone
Will I survive?
snowdreamer, , Depression, Depression, Questions, Relationships, Stress, 1
I've known this person for 14yrs, he's been my life for that long and probably will be forever. We...
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havent been in touch for fear of sounding like an idiot feeling the way i do.but then again thats...
Glad I found this website
T2006ALA, , Depression, Child, Depression, Medication, Relationships, Suicide, Weight Loss, 0
Hey anyone out there. Glad I found this page. I have had a few emotionally draining weeks with natural...
An Unanswered Cry for Help
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An Unanswered Cry for Help Note: I wrote this during the Fall of my 8th grade year. This won...
Wednesday 24
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I had to go to my storage unit today. I saw my things from my past and I started feeling...
Bad Day
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The emocoaster
Spookloops, , Depression, Career, 0
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I’m Fine…
Jerboa, , Depression, Anxiety, Depression, Relationships, Sex Therapy, 0
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You aren't punishing your mom for quitting recovery, you are punishing yourself. I hope you choose to continue the fight we all participate in.