Hello all,I hope you are well and enjoying the sunshine. Us here in England, finally have some heat so making the most of that.Anyways, I just wanted to write a blog as I still have OCD but feel I'm edging towards alot more control of it than I used to. I used to want to collect items or remember them and it was/is exhausting.The way I have started to turn it around slightly, and what I wanted to share to give others hopefully the light at end of the tunnel, is by firstly confiding in someone i trusted, saying it out loud helped but if you can't do that or find that hard (which is understandable) then I really recommend therapy.Talking to someone in confidence who has your best interest at heart is amazing and for me, I worked out why I collected.There was some abuse in my childhood and the ones who were meant to protect me, didn't, so my counsellor was actually happy that I confided in him as he could join up the dots and say “you weren't protected.. So now you are trying to protect these items”. I said this at the end of the session so he is going through it and ways to help on Tuesday so I can update you if anyone wants to hear 🙂 He said mainly thought, by me protecting myself, the anxiety will go down and compulsion will too.I had a compulsion last night but ignored it, yes it's still in my mind but by ignoring it hopefully more will go! Yes, I still collect some and other parts as its not going to be undone over night but I really recommend talking therapy or talking in general as if you can get to grips why you do it, then you can get power to tell that voice to shhh sometimes.Sorry this is so long but I hope I've helped someone If not, sending a hug and a smile to all anyways xx
Feeling Undateable
ocd_16, , OCD, OCD, Relationships, Therapy, Weight Loss, 4
So my ocd has been a pain in the butt. I have been in… Scartch that WAS in a...
ashleyheather, , OCD, Anxiety, Bipolar, Depression, Grief, Medication, Stress, Suicide, Therapy, 1
Sometimes a short sojourn is what the mind and body needs. An elimination of distraction can be a good...
So frustrated
kizeemimi, , OCD, Anxiety, Bipolar, Depression, OCD, 2
Im so annoyed with this. For a few days I was feeling so much better. I wasnt having any...
I am Detritus
OscarCDumas, , OCD, ADHD, Anxiety, Career, Depression, OCD, Psychosis, Questions, Therapy, 5
First Entry I am detritus. That is the simple, yet potent label that I have assumed this morning. I...
Can’t sleep pt. 2
SH2004, , Depression, OCD, Teens, Uncategorized, 0
So a few months ago I posted a blog about my intrusive thoughts or whatever and how the one...
Progress! Sort of…
morella, , OCD, Anxiety, Medication, OCD, Sleep Disorders, 2
I am currently still in treatment. This past week was emotionally draining, as I started to confront the old...
The way I live with OCD
masha, , OCD, OCD, Sleep Disorders, 0
The only way for “highly experienced OCD “professional” sufferers is to take medications on a REGULAR basis. Anidepressants for...
Magical Thinking?
StickyBrain, , OCD, Anxiety, OCD, Religion, 4
Oh my what a step – this is my FIRST OCD blog. I’m 33 years old and it kind...
Oh and my mood was \”determined\” but it wasnt on the option hehe x