I am currently still in treatment.

This past week was emotionally draining, as I started to confront the old hurt and loss that led me to an unconcious need to control and risk prevention. I also see now how my specific OCD symptoms were manifested as a result of these events.

Since I felt I had reached a turning point, I treated myself to a new hair cut and color. As much as I wanted to do it, I was in an acute state of panic the entire time I was in the salon. I love it, but I couldn't relax and enjoy the salon experience. In total, the severest part of the day's panic lasted for six hours. It was a longer panic than I've ever experienced with symptoms I had not encountered before.

By Friday night, I developed a stomach ache. By 1am Sunday morning, it still had not gotten better so I went to the ER to have it adressed.

On Sunday, my acute panic had returned. I had not managed to eat a real meal in the last week, and was now having trouble sleeping. I called the treatment center and explained what was going on, and they agreed to take me inpatient for a few days to sort out what was going on with my medication.

I was released last night, and am back to the full day outpatient program today. So far I am happy with the new medicine combination, and I am hopeful that this will be my last medication change.

I think I am looking at one more week in the outpatient program, then back to work the week after that. This has been a tough road, but I hope I will be able to apply what I've learned and progress forward as I go back to work.  At least my hair is awesome!

  1. fighting2win 13 years ago

     Really u r a braveheart. You had such a hard time but  you are continuing with the treatments. Just continue the goodwork. Wish u a fantastic week ahead ,and a even more fantastic next week ,in office .

    0 kudos
  2. aprakash 13 years ago

    I hope your recovery goes well. I am about to begin outpatient treatment at st louis behavioral center. any tips for me?


    0 kudos

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