On May 8th I dislocated and fractured my right ankle by stepping down from the fireplace while I was cleaning up around the dinner table,I merely lost balance and fell but that fall would cost me $5000 maybe more.My parents may have payed for it but they avoided me the entire time I was injured as if I had some deadly disease.My younger brother supported me through those horrible times,I couldn’t get my own food or drinks,I couldn’t brush my teeth or bathe normally,I couldn’t change my clothes or do the laundry normally,I couldn’t open,close or lock the doors,I wore three different splints,I was itchy,smelly,dirty,aching and I never left the house unless it was for a doctor appointment.August 9th was when I took my final splint off used my crutches to leave the doctor’s office for the last time,when I got home I took a bath as soon as I could and cried because I was actually in more pain than when I fell,all that stress could finally be washed away at least for a while.I can walk around without the crutches but my ankle continues to hurt so I have to rest a lot,it hurts the most when I wake up or go to sleep,I can’t even stretch comfortably anymore because it hurts!Every time I touch my ankle it’s swollen and I get paranoid that I’m actually touching the metal plate or screws in it.I can still remember falling,when they put me half asleep to put the bone back in place I felt my body writhing,going into surgery and waking up crying because of the pain,I wish I didn’t have to remember though.
StefaniePaige, , Depression, Anxiety, Career, Depression, 1
This is it. So, I'm going to do my best for this to be my last negative blog post...
losing my mom.
M0rningStar, , Depression, Uncategorized, Child, Depression, Domestic Abuse, Medication, Relationships, 0
i miss my mom,plain and simple right? wrong, there is so many emotions that run through my core every...
Low Point
everythingbutnothing, , Depression, Depression, Suicide, Therapist, 1
All of a sudden I got this surge of sadness cloud over me this past week. I'm so sad...
Son of a…
thebadkitty, , Depression, Addiction, Anxiety, Schizophrenia, 1
So, I had a lousy afternoon – a lame series of events caused me to be late to my...
Am I Ready for Tomorrow?
Jessa3eb, , Depression, Anxiety, 1
The doctor that I wanted to see today was of course out of the office until June 3rd. Once...
Mountain out of a mole hill
Lethaiwepn1, , Depression, Child, Relationships, Sleep Disorders, Suicide, 4
Hello My name is Nicole, I hope everyone had a good holiday. I know I am probably much older...
It all comes crashing down
jeg1124, , Depression, Anxiety, Lesbian, Gay, LGBTQ, Relationships, Sleep Disorders, Spirituality, Stress, 1
So yesterday was the worst day ever, at least that it had been in months. Where to begin? Well...
So ready to give up
SaltWaterDrinker, , Depression, Anxiety, Career, Grief, Parenting, Weight Loss, 1
Am really having a moment here. After a brief reprieve in my physical symptoms, yesterday really sucked, and today...