hello Family and friends, it's been a while since i have gotten on here. mostly my own fault. today i celebrate 23 years clean. yes my recovery road has been full of bumps. rocks, up hills and downhills but by the grace of God and my fellow NA members i have continued to stick around. a lot has happened in 23 years. I saw a son i have not seen since 1979 when he was 3. i was just getting ready to go to prison. it took 20 more years to pass until i saw him again. i got divorced, i got married again for the 3rd time and last time. at 6 years clean i became a needle insulin depedant diabetic, with 16 years clean i had a major heart attack and had to have open heart surgery. i have had 3 more heart operations since. i have seen people go back out and die, i have seen people i love in this program murdered, i have seen more people come and go. i have a 26 yr old daughter who is coming up on 3 years clean, i have a 24 yr old son who got arrested again today. he got arrested on July 11th, 2010 when i celebrated 21 yrs clean for trying to smuggle 5 ounces of cocaine from Seattle WA to Juneau Alaska. he walked on those charges. i don't know why but i wish he hadn't. he will either OD or get killed in Prison because he can't figure life without dope. i can't help him bec ause he is not ready for help. life today is what you want to make it. whether you want to do it loaded or clean that is your choice not mine. God is there to help you walk through the pain. today after being a Radio DJ for 34 yrs and a Rock Star for 20, i am 100% disabled. but i am clean today and i will be clean tomorrow. because it's my choice. i hope if your new you'll stay instead of keep coming back, if your an oldtimer you'lll share your experience, strength and hope. Recovery is a journey not a destinations and use the rest stops God provides along the way.

NA hugs,


  1. mmare2010 12 years ago

     Thanks for your inspiring post! I hope this evening finds you well.

    0 kudos
  2. carlee1212 12 years ago

    OMG, congrats! I hope one day I can leave a post like this. Im sorry life has given you a firm kick multiple times, but it shows how strong u and ur program are.

    0 kudos

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