Hello Everyone, This is Iris and I have another light hearted story to brighten up your day, and maybe mine too.
I knew we had a rodent in the garden shed, because it chewed a hole in a bag of fertilizer and another in a bag of potting soil, and I could see its little mouse turds all around.  This is why I always sweep up before I leave, so I notice things like this!
Well, I had emptied the entire shed, only a single six foot long piece of ABS piping was left.  The pile o’ stuff outside was impressive. Well, I picked up the pipe & “just to be sure” turned it upside down. At the bottom end which was capped, low and behold, was a tiny mouse!  It was in shock, and I have no idea how long it was in there.  A nightmare to be sure, they could see the light and the way out, but there was no way to reach it!  Must have been torment for this little mouse. (tlm)
Do you remember how I grew up with animals everywhere?  I even had a pet mouse, “Simone” initially named “Simon” but I quickly caught my mistake, She was so cute, if I was reading a book she would emerge from one sleeve, scurry across the book and into my other sleeve, she also liked to curl up on the back of my neck when I had long hair.
She liked to ride round in my left front chest pocket, asleep  and all curled up inside a hand-kerchief…. It was a bit of a surprise to a cashier at the local grocery store, when Bob, my every so charming friend, poked Simone.  So now awake, her whisker covered nose was the first part to emerge. , and eventually she appeared, wiggling her nose and freaking out the cashier.  Simone just went back into my pocket to continue her mid day nap.

So I tried to give today’s mouse some water, dipping its nose in a puddle of water and letting it go out beyond the house’s back fence. I checked later and it had disappeared. 🙂
Sounds silly doesn’t it?  I have absolutely no problem with a cat eating a mouse.  But the only  “bad” thing this little mouse had done was to build a nest in the shed. Well, I checked the wire screen on the eaves which looked complete.  But when I looked at the floor I could see multiple wood knots missing, perfect for a mouse to creep through….  These were patched up immediately!
imone was a friend of mine for almost two years, eventually getting free when I moved later that year.  I think the lid to her terrarium was knocked loose!
Sending all of you a smile, a hug, hope, peace and prayers.  – Iris



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