So I’m back. Its been a few days since I have got online, due to a multitude of reasons.

Mostly cause I have been sick. Well not really sick, but having the most excutiating peroid pain EVER. Sometimes being a girl sucks so bad. Lucklily it’s gone now so I’m feeling alot better.

I havn’t been able to get online during the late nights like I used too, and thats cause I have started this HR course as of today. It was very daunting going to it for the first time. I was so lucky however as the class is fairly small. So small infact that there maybe some classes where its just one on one with the teacher. That will be scary. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.

I have definatly missed coming online.. even if it was just a few days. It’s totally my outlet.

I have been realising over the last few days how good I have it. Really.. Compared to those people in Victoria whom have lost everything due to the bushfires. So many deaths. Its very upsetting. All my thoughts and prayers are with those people. May they R.I.P.

I was watching a very interesting documentary on Manic Depression last night. It was hosted by a guy who suffers with manic depression. He was an actor, and one that I had seen on TV before however I can’t remember his name.

He was talking to this woman who had tried to commit suicide so many times, one time she tried to drill a whole in her head with an electric drill. I felt so sorry for her. There were others that he spoke to that said that they wouldn’t get rid of thier manic depression even if they could. That really surprised me. Even though I don’t have manic depression, just the depression is bad enough. If I had an oportunity to just "turn it off" I would. No doubt about it. To get rid of the sadness, the hurt, the anxiety, the fear, the dispare.. I can’t think of anything better. There was this young boy, 16 i think, who had been diagnosed with Bipolar and he was on such a multitude of drugs. It was unbelievable. I felt for him.

He made an interesting comment about Bipolar. It has to be passed down from someone in the family. Yet even if someone in your family has got/or had bipolar that doesn’t necessarily mean that you will get it. How odd…..

So right now i’m feeling ok. I have run out of my meds, and unless I borrow some money I don’t think I’ll be able to get some more until Friday. So I expect my mood swings to be quite bad until then. I’m going to try and stay happy for now, and just see how it goes from there. Things are looking good. Starting a new time in my life. I have many things to look forward to, so I must stay positive.




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