Have no contact with any of my family. I am psychic though. I think these mental health hospitals should be managed by me so they’ll have a service called badged.

Badged check were getting enough money into a bank account, that they haven’t taken our phones and computers off us, that we are getting the medical treatment we need, that people have the right opinion of us and the opinion that is the truth and an opinion that is what we strive to be.

I have no money whatsoever in a shut down bank account by my social worker who won’t contact me for half a year, he won’t move my things in my room from a storage unit container that is taking all my benefit of which I’m only getting one because he says and all the nurses say I’m only eligable for one. I want to be free and get a job but trapped behind locked doors. I have tried fighting them when they stop me seeing my visitors and spread rumours about them and lie to me about how they have came across. The women here all hate me and the code just doesn’t make sense and I don’t understand the disorientation. Ii can’t even wash my hair because there’s no soap and I really don’t think this place is official or legal anymore.

Anyway I would like to get a job to meet some people maybe as a chef assistant. Then make friends that way when I get free untill I get 3 jobs, getting closer and closer to radio manufacturing, people to talk to to learn me and also someone to tell me how to buy books and where to find libraries.

I also want to do public talks on Autism with flash cards to help me remember certain topics of what to say without reading off a script.

The most frustrating and agitating thing about my life right now is that I can’t learn anything. It’s impossible. I can give info but I can’t take information. My brain won’t let me and if it does I forget it and all I have is a faint recognition game of snap. I can’t understand the references people make when they talk as I am just a baby. I don’t know anything. Literally. All I know is they like me sometimes and not other times. I’m starting again on my complete own but just please let me free and change my social worker for me he won’t see me he won’t bring my mail he won’t let me have my clothes and shampoos he’s not there for me I need to move back into the flat social services took off me. I would like to move back to Lowry ward in Newcastle but they won’t give me leave there either. Everything I say they’re like… It’s not that bad it could be worse.. look at the wars. Well put me homeless on the street then and see what happens then. Maybe I’ll meet someone sitting on the pavement walking past who it hasn’t been my soul sold on to meet by you who wants me now now no time lasts forever you idiot. All the lasses they harass you out of your hiding alone space then they accuse you of being a sex pest then you leave and they come back wtf!

1 Comment
  1. zye773 1 year ago

    Can relate. I can only talk to my b-mom once a week and no other family will talk to me. Its hard and mental hospitals haven’t helped me with any of my issues

    0 kudos

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