Finally, the static in my head and the blur of insanity in my home have granted me a much...
About Addiction
Here I sit at 4 am on my day off, and the committee has gathered at the table in...
My two if my main addictions, shopping and drinking, are psychological. These are mildly better than physical in my...
Another day clean and sober. Who would have ever thought something so seemingly simple would carry such weight. I...
Hello Me As I attend meetings, and follow a few suggestions about getting involved,with a home group i found...
Pt Two My Addictions
deidrexx, , Addiction, Addiction, Bipolar, Child, Depression, Domestic Abuse, Relationships, 1I tell myself there will be more money soon, I will sell more stuff to make more so I...
STEP 1A – POWERLESS (4)We can transform "powerless" into "power" by drawing on the wisdom and experience of others....