Hello all,  My confidence has returned even with the blazing heat outside (head index 109).   I was all dressed up today, hair done, makeup, skirt, heels and a nice professional top.  I had a 2nd interview.   I was at the top of my game during the interview and it came shining thru.  I even impressed myself at one point during a role play where I had to pretend to sell the interviewer an Ipod and 2 year service contract.  I was pretty sure when I left that I had nailed it – so I treated myself at one of my favorite restaurants and went on to my group session.  When I arrived at the clinic, one of the counselors told me how nice I looked.  For the first time in months, I genuinely smiled my biggest smile and thanked her.  Sure enough, I received the call 3 hours later that they offered me the job, whooohoooo! – which I happily accepted.  Everything is starting to fall into place and I am not in fear of losing my home any longer, I still have a battle to get all of my bills back on track and pay back my loans to family and a friend, but I am ready to face just about anything that is thrown at me.  I'm finally happy again – after 3 suicide attempts in the past 6 weeks.  Thank goodness for depression meds, they really put be back where I am suppose to be – and better than ever.  Hang in there – there is a reason why we are here – I haven't figured out why yet, but for now, I believe it is for my neice and nephews that I adore and know that they need and Love me. 


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