Yesterday finally ended in total confusion for me. While at the family get together my brother in law announced he was retiring in August from the navy. I talked with him latter on and he said he was basically being forced out too, he's 14 years younger than me. He said he had connections and would get another job after retirement. This is what I told my wife I was going to do! 

  My wife is now even more angry with me because I talked with him. His wife still works mine quit 6 years ago and doesn't work. I talked to my sister in law too and she is  fine with his retirement, because he'll draw pension and his new jobs salary. I would do the same and be making more than I do now and work less.

   She keeps telling me I'm selfish, I tell her if I stay they are going to continue to make it harder for me to stay and will soon try to find ways to fire me. I work for the Postal Service and I have 38 years, near the top of the sinority list. They keep telling me I cost too much and am no longer an asset. They have changed a lot in the last 8 years and now have a big business view of their employees, want to down size and out source jobs.

  I'm confused with why she is so angry with me. One of the reasons I'm in so much trouble at work is I had a break down there and was forced to get treatment. For 90 days I'm protected  from being fired because I accepted the treatment option, but as of March first I will be forced to take a fitness for duty exam and must pass or be force to retire or be fired! If that's on my record my chances for getting another job are slim.


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