Entry 6 –

Here are my worry thoughts for today, later than usual- and that’s fine too!

What am I going to do about my sleep schedule it’s out of control! Actually sleep schedule is the most easy thing to influence as I’ve demonstrated time and again. Thus I will just fix it and be back to my normal morning/early bird self as soon as possible.

I didn’t eat enough, I may not be hungry but I know that I still need food. I must stay home and keep eating. Actually, if you think about it, if my body needed more nutrition I would be hungry. Hunger is the best way to determine whether or not we need to eat, just like thirst is the best way to decide if you need to drink. If my body was in need of food, it would  let me know. So don’t worry, eat what you can, eat till you are no longer hungry, don’t take too long but take your time and stop worrying if you need more.

How will I live if she doesn’t like me back? I’ll have to move to another town and change my name! Not true, I can just live with it, we can stay friends and I can find someone else to spend my time with. That’s just how it works, there’s no need to discriminate or obsess over rejection. After all this should be a fun part of life! Instead most people drive them selves c-r-a-z-y because someone doesn’t like them back.


I’m starting to really run out of these, this must be a good sign on my road to recovery. So I guess I’ll just leave it at three for today, who knows maybe tomorrow I will be down to 2 and then 1 and then none!!


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