The depression is bad today, leaving me feeling empty. I’m so tired but can’t sleep if I laid down. My body aches. It’s all taking so much out of me. Just not sure how well I can hold things together for any given length of time.
Random Questions
usaporkchops, , Depression, Career, Questions, Religion, Sleep Disorders, Therapist, 0
Random Do you have any pets? A strong willed male Tabby cat What color shirt are you wearing? Grey...
My Introduction
Silentmood, , Depression, Anxiety, Career, Depression, Grief, Medication, Suicide, 2
Hello Everyone, I've never been a fan of journaling or keeping a record of my feelings although I have...
I will be ok
leeskinnyboi, , Depression, Career, Child, Depression, Questions, Religion, Spirituality, 0
so yesterday my boss and some other people who are inportant saked me to fix the time clock and...
Low….oh so low
chunckywannabcurvy, , Depression, Anger, Anxiety, Sleep Disorders, Stress, 0
I am so sad and feel so crappy. I felt the anxiety coming back this morning, but instead of...
Home for the Holidays
daiseegurl, , Depression, Relationships, Social Anxiety, 0
I orginally wrote this when someone special in my life was looking out for another person in their’s. A...
A day…
sadjac, , Depression, Depression, Schizophrenia, 0
This day.. Monday.. First day of the week. A day when everyone goes back to the usual. Work, study.....
Di, , Depression, Grief, Questions, Relationships, Stress, 1
My mind is just rambling like a little lost soldier. Today I wasn't able nor did I want to...
I’m a Lover
seekandconstruct, , Depression, Religion, Weight Loss, 0
I'm a lover. I just realized that I was a lover. And I love to love. And I love...
Try to take it one day at a time, one hour at a time. I know that even that is hard to do. I live with bipolar disorder. Each day presents new challenges to get through. Sometimes, it’s all I can do just to get up, let alone, get what needs to be done, done.
So hard to take one day at a time when the world is moving at what seems like a week at a time.