
Not sure where to begin. I have noticed weird things happening the last couple of days.

When I woke up yesterday I had an inkling something was wrong. I got out of bed and started adding onto my list.  I then went to my homepage on the computer and loaded my email and noticed all the new friend confirmations, comments, and blog comments. I then did my stories, scores, and went for my 2.2 mile walk. I came back and the remaining twin ( the other died a few years back) is looking into the distance like a space cadet. He left the door open which pisses me off but I know he is taking his mother to work and he works. He left their  door  slightly ajar as well. When I first moved in I thought it was his brother and the one I never got along with. He was working two jobs and never here. Late last year he had to quit the other job for some reason. I went upstairs to write up what happened on my walk.  I then went shopping for the odds and ends that I needed and came back.  I then started to think OH NO Spring Training more games to analyze scores of. Now I like sports I just feel so inferior if I do not type out a list of what happened. Since I know my father knows most things in sports. I will see something scorewise or read it but when I am talking to him I will feel so dumb because I will not remember. Or I will not use the right words.


By the time my father called at almost 9AM after getting off the phone at 7:30 PM Sunday night I had over 3,200 words on my list. There were 600 when I went to bed and another 2,600 from a little before 5AM to almost 9AM. Yesterday morning my father told me when I can tell this will be a  big list I am going to cut you off and tell you about my day so you do not finish.  Yesterday's morning into afternoon list was pretty bad as well.  Nothing really happened but I managed to find things to write about. When I had the afternoon conversation he actually did try to steer away from the list and I said something and somehow we stayed on it. I got off saying I really want to cut the list down. He had said something like that is a lie. I said no it is not it is like an alcoholic I list a few things then I say oh I can put this on as well then before you know it, that is a long list. Now I really wanted to cut down. But, another interesting thing happened the son who I don't get along with disappeared for most of the day. I know things from the Mental Health association come for him. I had heard something was going to happen yesterday. I figured he might get a job. Then I thought oh no. Then the father who is here all day and is older will think he is out working but this guy is home all day. Now they think I work out of the house. I realize when he is not working he is more apt to be blasting music and the nasty person he usually is. If he is working he will be nice. But then I guess this guilt if he is working he can drive and also works on cars so there is plenty of employment for him why am I home? Then I am afraid he will start in even though if he is not home he cannot prove I was home the whole day or not.  So when he came home I tried eavesdropping to see what they were talking about regarding him and those little things which were nothing made the list. 

A couple of other odd things.  When I was doing ESPN I froze going from football into baseball, then I noticed I was having problems getting on other parts of our site.

I wound up doing 6,600 words both Sunday and Monday. I had almost 3,100 words when my father called. Then from 5-9 I did another 900+.

I woke up this morning and there were more problems with the computer. I go to load my mail after adding to the list. I see my password is not working. I had to do a browser history dump, When I got Verizon in November I did not do my first dump of the history until January. The only problem I had was the websites would freeze. I deleted the history again last month. Now why did AOL not have sign in problems January after all that usage when I still had a full browser history? I figured it was being worked on. As I am closing the windows they freeze so I receive do you want to send an error report? Which I rarely do. I then reload Verizon and I am asked if I want to restore last session or go to homepage? If I restore last session there is a good chance  I will have a problem. I went to home page and logged in fine.

That little problem added a few hundred words to the list.  I loaded ESPN. Now the thing I hate is the ESPN stories I read do not show up as read anymore. Many of the football were different. I did re-reads. Meaning I read them before but I read them again. But I cheated in baseball I read everything but three stories, basketball all the stories and in hockey everything even though only one story was new. In my defense many were updated.

I read a blog on here last night about someone seeing there was a new antibiotic resistant bacteria and how they were afraid of it. Just went back to the list to look this up. Yes you made it in my list.  Anyway, I can put myself in that situation. You will read other sites to ease your fears. I will go back into ESPN to make sure the stories did not have a time updated after I was reading them or even if there is one quote in there that was updated I have to re-read that story. I have been gettting better with that for the most part.  There are times when something might say team is contemplating trading X. If that story was read and the headline is darkened (meaning I read it ) saying X was traded in that case it is an entirely new story.  Since it took a little while longer I decided to go for my walk after reading the stories then come home and do scores. Somehow  I wound up doing a lot of words. I was thinking great 900 words at night there are a few more hours maybe 2,000. Well after all was said and done this was 3,000 words.

When I spoke to my father he was not in a great mood. So he did not really want to here the list but he listens as much as he does not want to. Now  remember how he started talking about his day last night? I figured he was going to do the same since he said that reminds me of something last night. I said don't play games with me. Now it was actually not going to be that way. He just wanted to tell me the one thing. But, being what was told to me and what happened last night I wrongly assumed. Anyway he would not tell me what happened. I said I feel bad he said you should.  When he threatened to hang up I said this 3,000 words can be 5,000 more tonight. He answered do you know what this takes out of me? I said how hard is it to say yes or no? I found out last night that when he said sometimes he can take the list and others he can't he was convering for the fact my step mother would start yelling if she knew he was getting frustrated and tell him not to talk to me anymore.So it was not that he was in a happier mood he had to play it cool so she would not start. Sometimes he will say things out loud which I don't want her knowing. The point is she does not understand the list and everything involved. She thinks I am trying to cause stress.  I finished the list and today is a little better. But many of these things made  for a weird week so far.

If anyone wants to help me with some of these questions feel free to respond.








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