I'm on vacation this week after working for almost or maybe over a year 7 days a week. I really needed this time off. I spent the first day sleeping on and off. I felt so drain and out of it and was all i could do. I needed to do that cause my body was crashing hard. Now that I'm home though I just feel so frustrated. Mostly at the fact that all my husband does is bitch to my eldest son and says nothing to my lil one when he's the one that needs to be disciplined. Idk. I am just fed up with my husband and his ways of dealing with the kids. My lil one is a very hyper, emotional boy. Both of my boys have ADHD, but my lil one is just a mess. I just want my husband to realize that if he doesn't hold my lil one accountable for his actions. He is starting to get an attitude with me that I don't like. He knows best and thinks about for the most part but the fact that he does it sometimes i don't like it at all. Idk . I feel so out of control sometimes. I've been turning to my old friend for comfort… food that is. I hate that i do this. I want to get helthier and do for the most part but it's late at night when i am trying to relax or can't sleep when I munch here and there. I just need to quit already. I have about 70 lbs i need to loose to be at a healthy weight for my 5'1" frame. Ugggg! It seems like i can never find balance anywhere in my life. I told my husband today that I am just miserable with him and everything. He was a lil shocked I think. He knows I have been for a long time. I know he's not very happy either. Man! When will this madness ever end?! Grrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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