After midnight now…STILL AWAKE. I'm a little sleepy but I also want to read. =/ I'm really into The Dresden Files and I'm on Small Favor which is followed by Turn Coat and then Changes. After that, I have to wait for Ghost Story to be released and I'm massively excited for it because I foolishly read spoilers from the books I haven't read yet. >.>

I don't think I've been this excited since I got into Harry Potter as a child.

Yes, I ready Harry Potter. >.>

I haven't read Jim Butcher's other series, Codex Alera, but I really like him both as a writer and a person. He seems so very much like my boyfriend and I, a total geek, sarcastic and witty, etc.. If I ever got a chance to meet him I'd flip.

Anyways, I didn't go to Gram's…again…I really gotta set my alarm for tomorrow so that I can get an early enough start to visit her. You know what? I need to go see a movie tomorrow, too. I keep putting going to the movies off so I need to visit Gram and then go see a movie which means dragging my brother out with me. He's not depressed, he's just lazy. -,-

I didn't do a whole lot today but I cleaned my computer off a lot which is just great. I reclaimed at least 5 gigabytes by deleting a lot of stuff that I don't need. I have a lot more to go but it was driving me crazy that my computer had gotten so disorganized.

I changed the background – to the Mac OS X Snow Leopard, so pretty! – and I ordered a pink keyboard cover and a pink laptop snap-on case! I'm so excited, I can't wait until they get here, I am such a computer geek. 😀

So all in all, my mood is looking up a little. 🙂


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