I know it may seem like I am paranoid with conspiracy theories but I feel as if the world is against me. At school, my major program is not designed for the worker, and I must work to pay rent, utilities, etc. I am only 24 but I feel 42… I am stressed out with working, going to school, and squeezing in time for social activities. Tonight, I will be totally alone, and I have been looking forward to that. I need to be with someone who doesn’t judge me and won’t tell me the things I am doing wrong….myself. However, I came into work today very happy and content and getting through the day. Then, this 60-something year old woman at work (who I considered a close co-worker), began talking about me to another co worker and made no attempt to be quiet about it. She said that when I handle customers its like the ‘blind leading the blind’ which made all of my coworkers laugh. I have spent the last several months asking for training on this certain skill. However, they are so lazy that not only do they not want to train me (and my supervisor and manager do not make them do this) but they also don’t want to do the work that comes easy to them so they throw it on me and laugh when I scramble to get it done. This is abuse. At school, two of my professors, who happen to be close friends, do not like me because I cannot quit my job and they think of it as ‘refusal to commit to my major’ so they, in turn, talk to my peers about me and I always feel crappy in class because of that treatment. I have been to the dean and I am told that it should not bother me, just ignore it and continue on my way. Well, I am just about tired of ignoring it. Each day is a humiliation to go to school and work around people who don’t respect me because my boss and my dean do not reinforce it. It makes life completely difficult. I don’t know what to do. I feel like I am going crazy. I deal with this and when I tell someone about it, ask for help, I am told its not that bad. Why do I feel its that bad? And how would they feel in my shoes? If they were 24, old enough to be respected as I respect others, and still treated like crap? When I was 20-22, it was different, I was young and my former boss saw me as a teen basically, telling me what I need to do. Now I am older, it just makes me look stupid. No matter how hard I try to do right, please the customer, please my coworers, peers, etc., its never good enough. I am still widely disrepected and disliked. I am notorious and I cannot even find a good reason for this. I am tired of feeling old, tired and embarassed. I am being harassed. Can anyone agree with me?  Or do I  belong on another planet, as I have always felt?

  1. Emmajo 15 years ago

    Hey hun,

    People can be cruel and I too find this problem all the time I can”t trust anyone anymore because of it. Especially when you do everything and be nice and it gets thrown back in your face. But I have found from this website alone not all people are like that, you don”t belong on another planet, we belong here all the idiots should go somewhere else xx

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  2. LonelyFemaleForever 15 years ago

    Hello. I do agree with you. I think your co-worker should take responsability. She was the one who didnt do her work. You are doing your best eventhough thy are all working against you and making fun of youu, that is being disrespectfull. I bet this isnt helping your depression.

    Some people just dont care how they hurt others and some people dont do it directly on purpose but just misunderstand the situation and yourself. Maybe you should try to seriously talk this out and come in terms with your boss. I mean this is their job. Why would they make fun of yoy when they arent doing their job right either? This most be so frustrating, i would go crazy. But i wish you a relaxing weekend and that these people grow up and stop bugging you. Hugs.

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