I feel like I’m on a path unsure of the direction. Today the Moon is in Taurus, which is an Earth sign. The Earth represents stability, abundance, and rootedness. I cast the Crisis Money Spell this morning. Let’s just say there was fraud on my husband’s bank card but the bank denied our claim. Somehow the fraudsters found a way to make it look like my husband was present with his card during the fraudulent transactions. But he wasn’t. They don’t believe us. The bank is taking a bunch of the contested funds out of our account and we have very little to begin with. So I cast the spell and prayed to the dear Lord Jesus and His Mother Mary to help us. Supposedly my husband is going to be getting a big check this week. I digress…

I don’t know where I’m going with this. I felt less of a pull to the Wiccan side of things today. Dare I even say I felt the presence of Jesus again? No… it wasn’t a feeling, more of a knowing. I miss the feeling, but if all I get is the knowing, that’s fine by me. I’ll take whatever I can get. Typically I’ll listen to some Wiccan/Pagan music in the morning, but today I just didn’t feel like it. It’s the same old, same old. I listened to jazz, classical, more jazz, and now I’m listening to some lofi. It’s like slow jazz hip-hop. I like it.

I’m just all over the place today… But I definitely feel more like a Christian than a Wiccan at the moment. I still will follow the Moon phases and signs, just because I like it. But I just don’t believe in the Wiccan theology. I’ve had mystical experiences of Jesus. No one can take that away from me, nor can I deny it. I believe in the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


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