It's like taking what starts as a purely logical thought and running it through the blender on the pulverize setting; and I for one am getting sick of it.

I'm finding it almost ironic…. The paradoxical effect luvox is having. In some respects, I'm feeling "better"; not so sad all the time, not as bogged down…. In others, the OCD is taking a hot steamy sh1t on my thought process. With OCD, we all know that it tends to feel like you're in a crowded room with 50 people yelling… blah blah blah, we all heard it…. Trying to focus on that ONE person in the corner is difficult at times (all the time). The challenge I'm having now is focusing on the RIGHT person, and listening to reality. I try so hard to do the right things, to act "normal". I have legitimate concerns, issues, etc that need be addressed (at work, friendships, marriage). For some reason, I have these legitimate gripes, and then try to focus on that person in the crowded room; but that person then takes out a bull horn and screams the issue, making it much much much more serious than it needs to be. I latch on to that and believe it as my truth, and then I get upset with people for hurting me so badly. Then I'm left feeling rather lucid, but embarrassed, ashamed, and insecure based on my previous actions… And, in the end, my legitimate concern or issue has completely lost value because now I have lost credibility… "It's the OCD again…. the issue isn't real".. The specific incident is irrelevant, as the story plays out the same each time.

I'm currently on the latter end of the cycle… Embarrassed, ashamed, angry, feeling like my issues don't matter because I cannot articulate them without acting like a freakin loon. I'm left wrestling with my own thoughts. Am I actually wrong here or is what I'm concerned about actually legit; or did I amplify it again. Then the compulsions kick into overdrive, and the cycle starts over… At least it's predictable…. Predictability is comforting in a way.

Then, you find yourself pulled to the side of the road at 2am being questioned by a cop with a flashlight shined in your face. BUT, that's another story for another time.

  1. anxiousinohio 13 years ago

    How long have you been on Luvox? That is kind of what happened to me then it did calm down. I started at 100 mg back in March and was on that for 3 weeks then I was moved up to 150 mgs. Over the past few weeks things have been better than they have in a very long time.

    0 kudos
  2. coffeedad 13 years ago

     That's promising news…  I've been on Luvox for 2 months, but we've been effing with the dose from the beginning.  I'm currently up at 300mg and 2mg Ativan.  Thanks so much for the feedback, you may have just stopped me from tossing the damn pills out the window.  ðŸ™‚

    0 kudos
  3. anxiousinohio 13 years ago

    No problem! 🙂 Just stick with just a little longer to see how it goes. 🙂

    0 kudos
  4. morella 13 years ago

    I know what you mean about feeling like you can't explain your issues.  I have struggled with that for awhile.  I think you gave a really great example that can help a lot of us:

    [quote=coffeedad]With OCD, we all know that it tends to feel like you're in a crowded room with 50 people yelling… blah blah blah, we all heard it…. Trying to focus on that ONE person in the corner is difficult at times (all the time)[/quote]

    That is an excellent way to put it and I'm glad you shared it with us.


    0 kudos
  5. housewife10 13 years ago

    How long have you been taking luvox?

    I've never thought about OCD in the way you desribed it, but it makes sense!


    I've always desribed it to my loved ones as being at war with myself…almost like the angel and devil on my shoulder. You know you should believe the angel but the devil always seems to win…

    0 kudos

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