There are lots of great blogs here ! its so cool to read and look through others eyes. I read elsewhere about depressed people are very gifted and often dont realize it. Apparently some studies were done and it showed how artistic and creative  people have been and can be. There are so many artists and musicians with depression and other phobias who became successful. Actors as well, today a saw a bio on Kelsey Grammer .I was blown away to hear his story, it is inspiring. I couldnt believe the hardships he went through.If youget a chance check out his bio or maybe read about him online.

Thanks for those who read and commented 🙂 all comments are welcome.And im more than happy to share stories and thought, I hope to make my around and read more of your blogs.

Blogs are neet as im finding, it can be a journal, rant/rave or just babble. Or mix them into one like i do LOL . As some of you have noticed my mind wanders and I write it down regardless of its importance. The whole purpose of this exercise is for me to write and read.Hopefully along the way we can inspire each other. I strongly believe a good support system in coping with depression is vital. I would rather talk to a complete stranger who suffers and can relate than someone i know who cant help me out at all.In fact its been a bad experience for me personally to share stuff with people who know me. They want to help, and they want to understand…but they cant. Then you feel like a crap and are ashamed. And whether you like it or not, you will be judged by most of them.

When i say im ok, that means not well

when i say im doing great, it means im ok

when i say im not well, it means im doing awefull

i usually lie about how im doing everyday…its automatic now, dont even think about it.It just seems no matter what i say the outcome is the same. Does anyone go through this ? It also often seems people only have precalculated things to say to me. It never seems like people are sincere, after years and years this came to my attention and now i can see it. So why are people like so snakey and creepy like that. Like they need to know everything about you, all the juicy gossip they can shove down thier slimy throats.I honestly dont want to know, dont care to know any gossip on anyone i know !

Live in the present they say, and I believe that to be true. Its 10:11pm saturday , it is the present right now.

  1. sab 13 years ago

    I can relate to much of that, i think many of us here can. Im new here , but dont hestiate to message me for anything 🙂

    Stay strong , take care

    0 kudos
  2. sab 13 years ago

    Love is great, it has to power to heal. Especially if its reciprocated and is mutual.

    Our gifts are unique and special. Everyone has a gift or a few , some of us havent tapped into it yet. But I believe eveyone is born with a gift of one kind or another,and  not just in depressed people. The article i read mentions that depressed people have a much different picture when we see something. We see things in the abstract so to speak, for example if someone were to show us a picture depressed people would have the ability to observe and detect details that most others may overlook at first. I noticed that i dont look directly at a picture right away, i look at the setting and surroundings first, then i sense the emotion. I dont just look at the main image and look for some kind of message.I need to feel it. So i might be missunderstanding you, and if so i apologize 🙂 , but i dont think we need to give up our gifts.

    Love can be a gift , love can be loyalty, love can be unconditional, love can be trust, love can be all things except for hate right ? just my thoughts 🙂

    thanks for commenting Iggy 🙂

    0 kudos
  3. sab 13 years ago

    Ah cool, so its a book " the gifted adult " . Ill look into that thanks 🙂 . TBH i dont know much about phsycopaths , theres been so much to learn about myself. Funny you mention empathy because i think it best explains someones behaviour towards me in the past. I guess they just wernt capable of expressing that . As a matter of fact it makes me think that maybe people who arnt capable of empathy might also have anger issues ? if so it would totally describe someone who was cruel to me even though they didnt hate me…


    0 kudos

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