Everyday I wake up. Most people are happy they get to see another day. I wake up wishing I hadn’t. That I can be here but not really here because that’s the way I feel everyday. When I have awoken so many days with a slight bit of hope just to be let down almost everyday. All I want is a good day. To be happy. I try to play a video game or go out in the world. I hope..I’ll meet new people or a new friend. I’m always trying. Always. I always get nothing back in the end and by the time I go to sleep yet again…it’s just me. No one to listen to me. To tell how I felt or what bothered me or what I didn’t or did like. No one to have a connection with or change my mind about anything. Just me. Left with reality all by myself. Day after day..after day…like life is beating me down and doesn’t want me here. All I want, is for someone to see me. To hear me. To understand me. To be there. 

  1. garfunkal 4 years ago

    Hi, I’m sorry you’re so lonely. I’m not sure this is the rite site for you to get support you may need. Not many people on here even talk or comment or anything. But if you need someone to chat to I”m here, Have you tried online dating? I know it’s such a cleche, but I met my husband online 8 years ago. I”m a bit mad at him tonight but usually things are really good. There is hope! Be brave, try something different. I don’t need to tell you to be careful tho. I met alot of toads before my husband. Anyhow hope i’m not rambling, have had too much coffee I’m afraid, take care and feel free to message me ok x

    0 kudos
    • honey03 4 years ago

      I completely support the idea of online dating. It helped me through some rough times!! At the very least (I was too anxious to ever really meet anyone for the first few years) it was incredibly nice to have someone to talk to. Met my s/o online as well. Don’t know what I’d do without the internet!
      waking up feeling like crap is never a good time– I sympathize there completely, but one day it’ll give. It always does. I have faith in you!!

      0 kudos

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