So…it is a new year. And with a new year comes a chance to play catch-up on blogging about life or whatever this crazy thing is. I’m not sure where to begin…so if I get random…you know…go with it.

Last year I went back to school. Yeah…how exciting, right? After three degrees…school gets old. I had an epiphany, which I guess was good, because…well…being extremely educated does not mean a career, whereas having an epiphany means…you might do something in school that leads to a career. I chose a new a path and I’m a semester away from completion. The thing is…I wasn’t meant to like my career path. I say this for a reason. My career path was chosen solely as a means to an end. It paid decent money, it had ample time off, and the benefits are great. Well…that was the plan. Loathe it and love the perks. Unfortunately, I loved it. I say unfortunately because…when you love something you commit to it and you make it a part of your world. Well, that wasn’t supposed to happen. And now there’s an issue at school and I’m taking time off…which is fine, because I’ve been going at school and work like Secretariat. It does slightly delay other plans, however.

I fell in love. Madly in love. It’s complicated for certain reasons. He is wonderful. And I’m very happy. I wish I could finish school and work full-time because it would sure help us out. I am every bit his wife, but our lives are…complex and we’re in separate households while we figure out what to do with multiple animals and what not. I found a house I want to buy…so much. It’s huge. It’s inexpensive. It’s got some work to be done on it. And saving for a down payment is…difficult with other bills. It means having kids may have to wait a bit. I would love to work on this.

And then there is…the misery of, shall we say, sobriety. I will not go into details on what exactly I’ve been doing. Would I call it a problem? I don’t think so. I didn’t think so. I don’t know. I know I felt numb sometimes…wonderful other times. It is not at all tied to the remission of my OCD and my attempt at getting well. I did not get involved in it for that. It was simply…relaxing at first. Fun. Then it became morbid. Physically, it started to take a toll. Severe stomach pains…head aches…chest pain…and, I suppose, a bit of moodiness. I decided to give it up. Easy, I thought. Yeah. Easy until I can’t sleep and my mood plummets…and I want it back. And yes…I dipped into it last night and had a fabulous time tripping the light fantastic. Oh, well. I was very good for a number of days. It’s been great for writing. I do not recommend it. My husband is…supportive and sweet about everything.

My puppy was attacked by a pitbull that was new to the neighborhood. I loathe the reputation they have. Unfortunately…with this one the reputation fits. It hopped the fence into my yard and tried to eat Little Von Moo. I separated them (yes, for some reason I thought I was invincible to pitbull bites at the time) and rushed Max to the vet because he was bleeding. He is fine, the owner of the pitbull was fined, he paid the vet bill, and um…he says he’s putting up a larger fence because he knows his dogs are jumpers and…if you know that why didn’t you put up a bigger fence before moving in? Nice.

I got asked out by another neighbor (in a really weird way…because he thinks he’s charming and I…don’t know…maybe read 50 Shades of Grey). He demanded it one night. I sat on the sofa and asked him how that was working out for him. He gave me ten minutes to do my hair and make-up…I didn’t answer the door. Married. Duh. And…he’s so not my type. He doesn’t get that I did the bar scene and that I don’t need to go out to get drunk and have a great time…or that he’s not my idea of a great time. I surf with the Wizard of Oz (which will make no sense to most of you).

I’ve been watching some really odd experimental films lately. The one was…wow. Glad my guy watched it with me because it gave me yet another epiphany. This guy really loves me. And if I knew that watching that film would firmly convince me of that…I’d have been showing it to every person I’ve ever gone on a date with (or fooled around with) before going out with them. On the flip side…it’s really aided me in being a full vegetarian. I know…weird.

Still in remission. A year and a half and counting. That rocks. Dog’s birthday is coming up. I need to get started on planning the party. I’ve been shopping plenty, but my guy has sort of…helped rein in unnecessary spending (and by unnecessary, I mean…er…something we’ll never use). That said, I got a sweet pedal car for future offspring from Poshtots. It should arrive sometime next month. And I’m trying to get this dinosaur thing. That’s a long story. Several other things I want, but I’m pacing myself. I guess that’s really what my husband has taught me. I’m glad he did. I got him some great shirts recently.

And…that is about it. Congratulations on another fine year. Toasts all around. Take care and thanks for taking the time to read.

1 Comment
  1. MEandOCD 10 years ago

    Great that you are in love and doing well! 🙂

    0 kudos

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