Hi. My name is Ello andI am an Animal Advocate,voice for the ones who cannot speak. I consistently beat up on myself for all my failures and flaws, because I am smart enough to know all that I could do, and all that I could be, if only… it's always that…

But today was better because I have four little gorgeous kittens to enjoy while they grow up. I am also cleaning/renovating my house in earnest so I can enjoy it more myself, and get it ready to rent! I KNOW! Isn't that brave of me? Well, I'm getting slower and more determined in my ways lately and having ALL this space is a bit overwhelming, especially after all the Rains and the Storms have left another 30 percent of dead fall, either broken or on the ground. BIG trees. I can't find anybody to do the work before, now… haha, it would be a very special person indeed who would take on this challenge, and pay for it… haha

One of the kittens just had to have a bath. I am an expert with raising orphan kittens if you ever have any questions. But this guy I've named Hercules because he is a little hero, did not like the water. You remain gentle in your touch and talk low and soft and bring them out of it as soon as possible and maybe do it in increments. It's rough on them. I figured it out. It's DIMENSIONS! Yep! Like Deepak says, we go in and out of dimensions all the time. Like Dolores Cannon said too, we shift through hundreds of them every minute and don't even know it. haha I laugh at that one. It fascinates me. But from a little kitten's perspective, I can see it. What crazy hell is she putting my butt into? It's sticking to me!!! Poor Herc…. 🙁

He's out and all rinsed and dry back with his crew, they are so smart. I just wanted to play with him, but this farm is organic, which is very very hard. It is another karmic lesson for me dealing with the bugs. If you live in a beautiful urban environment, or in a lovely home overlooking some gorgeous water vista, you are so blessed and lucky. Here where I find myself, are the inhabitants of Mother Nature and I am but one clumsy giant, that is scared to death of bugs!

I'm sure even the word is politically incorrect if you examine dimensions and the holographic theory of everything. I'm in shock today from information overload. I want to know everything and stay current but my brain feels like its going to explode somehow if I don't stop. Processing things that defy imagination. I'm just a cave man. Everyone around here wants to sleep today and that energy is exactly OPPOSITE of what I feel. What else is new… Guess I'll go select a new victim of the evil water dimension… there's the fan dimension, the kitchen dimension, they haven't even seen OUTSIDE dimension. haha bless their hearts… they are so amazing and wonderful and perfect and smart… oh yes, we are very very smart and we evolve at lightning speed as well.. we grow up very fast!


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