So many of you know that my bf and I both struggle with OCD. His is a lot more relationship focused and mine is more irrational fears and social situation related (self confidence issues creating OCD thoughts with other people) Well I have not been on in a long time because I moved and have been traveling a lot with my bf for the holidays. Meeting his family and things. Well things have not gotten better. Just worse.  The problem from my angle is that our relationship feels like a one way street. I am always taking care of him and then alone with my own problems. It got so bad in Chicago one night on our trip after i helped him through a really intense 2 hour panic and then I was so exaughsted (as I always am after those) that i broke down into the same state and he just asked what was wrong and when I didnt answer he just went to sleep. So feeling the most angry and alone I have ever felt I finally crossed the line I have never crossed and hurt myself.  That is not the main point of this blog though. The main point is every day all day I feel like I am constantly trying to help him get through the day and being so strong myself but every once in a while like at night ill need some help and he cant give it. I am at the point now of such deep sensitization that I can not even get myself to go get the help I need. I cant even get the energy to pull myself out of the pit that is eating all my energy. Does that make sense? Im only 19. How do I get my life back on track without totaling his? How do i get the strength to go get that job so I can live on my own or with a roommate again? because right now all of that seems like too much. Im afraid of the people I might work with. I am now even afraid to go to the store because I feel so different from other people. Like by looking at me they can see all the shame and sadness and confusion and bewilderment I am going through. I have lost my sense of reality, I constantly feel like i am going insane and that I have lost my personality. I feel like im trapped in a pitch black box with no exit. I know so many of you understand. Any advice?

  1. Arizona_Grown 14 years ago

    Yeah we have had so many of those talks v.v We always agree to do things differently but it never changes. Another thing that is getting me is I cant tell him how i really feel about anything. Like this morning he keeps talking about getting bose headset and all I said is but you dont even use the headset you have… and he replied with "im just not going to talk about the headset anymore" Thats the first time I have ever disagreed with him getting them and I just wanted him to stick up for his case but he just cant have a normal conversation and I dont know how much longer I can deal with not being able to say anything i feel ever.. but if i choose to leave I dont know the best way to do it to make sure he is okay…

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  2. Dent838 14 years ago

    It can be tricky when both people in a relationship have OCD.  My girlfriend and I both have different forms of OCD and it’s sometimes tough to know how to handle things. 

    I’m very lucky in that my girlfriend is very caring and supportive.  Often I hesitate to tell her about everything I’m going through because I feel like I’d be a burden to her.  I don’t want to be seen as being needy, or taking advantage of her support, if that makes sense.  So I tend to bottle it up inside.  On the flip side, I sometimes don’t know how to support and help her out with her own struggles, since she kind of bottles that side of herself up too.  We should be brewing beer we do so much bottling!
    But that’s not a good thing. You should always have those lines of communication open and not worry about not being able to say something to each other. Like with the headset – it’s not like you have to get into a screaming match about it, but maybe you could give him some time and gently ask him to explain himself a little more. And that night in Chicago you mentioned might have been a situation where he just didn’t realize how you were feeling and he could have been so tired he needed sleep right then. 
    Guys have an endless supply of two things: pride and cluelessness. But we mean well, and we really do want to help the ones we love. We just kind of act like bumbling idiots when we try. I don’t know, I guess my only real advice is to keep communicating what’s on your mind and hopefully he’ll open up more with time and do his best to help you. 
    Good luck, Arizona!
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