I\'ve really been enjoying the book "New Personality Self-Portrait" by Oldham and Morris.  It\'s a fun book about different personalities, their strengths and weaknesses, and how they mesh with other personalities.  Now this book is awesome because it doesn\'t just tell you (after a 107 item questionnaire) you are a certain personality, but helps you to chart a graph of how you range among 14 different personality styles…your "self-portrait".  Once you have this graph you can read about the different styles in the book and learn how all of these traits manifest in your personality as a whole.  For example, I am Dramatic, Mercurial, Idiosyncratic, and Devoted…with other styles tapering off from there.  The lower styles aren\'t less important, but can help, hinder, and temper your stronger traits as well…such as Serious, Self-Confident, and Conscientious styles.  I am so in love with this book!  I\'ve been reading other personality traits with my friends and family in mind.  I want everyone to take the test because I\'m super curious about their results.  Sadly, no one is quite as excited about it as I am. LOL 


It really feeds in to my deep search of finding myself.  To really know and understand why I live life the way I do, the way I interract with others around me, and to find my "purpose".  The other thing I have yet to really implement from the book is a series of exercises that teach you how to temper and understand your strongest traits.  For example, Dramatic Exercise #1 has me notice my emotions more and to record/note my emotional reactions to things more. So I am ultimately more aware of what pushes my buttons, makes me happy, or sets me off.  I highly recommend this book because it\'s thorough, fun, and actually based in psychological study. 

Next book: "The Wisdom of the Enneagram" by Riso and Hudson.


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