I'm really tired tonight. I got up a little while ago from a long nap, but my body is begging for more sleep. Whatever this stuff is hits hard and fast. The whole family now has it.

I came home from work an hour early only to find that Aaron had come home tooand that Mom sounded rough as well. Everybody slept, except Zachary, who's feeling much better. I can only hope we'll all get better as fast as he does.

Work went okay, other than feeling poorly. For once I'm glad I'm not working any more this week. Maybe I'll have a chance to recuperate before I have to go back on Monday.

I think this weekend is going to be low-key for us. We don't need a lot of excitement right now. Besides, it's Mother's Day weekend so maybe we'll do what I want to do ~ relax. ;;-) No sleepovers, no play dates, no going out until midnight with friends. I'm just not up to it.

To be honest I'm feeling really low tonight. I just started crying for no reason. I don't want to spend time with people or talk, I don't want to spend time with my animals even. I just want to lay in bed and cry. This happens sometimes when I get sick. I'm hoping that's all it is. Being sick is bad enough without having depression too.

The only negative thing I can say about Ritalin is it doesn't stabilize my moods any. It makes them a little less stable it seems.

I feel dazed and am just staring into space. I need to go to bed. But I can't until we put our son to bed around 7:30 p.m. Maybe I'll go take a shower to help with the sinus problem I'm having.

I know, pity me.

1 Comment
  1. ancientgeekcrone 11 years ago

    Dear keya,

    Sounds as though you need to take it easy for awhile. Rest and let yourself be restored.

    Hugs Mary

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