Quantum OCD

Many people have some level of OCB Obsessive Compulsive Behavior. But few have OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. OCD sufferers try to cope with anxieties though self-designed superstitions. Through rituals they try to control their reality. Although OCD is a neurosis, the idea of controlling reality has become a real discussion in the scientific community.

In science, the world of quantum physics was born in the 20th century Physicists have become quantum physicist. They try to explain to us laymen how Quantum Physics works. Erwin Schrödinger, one of the fathers of quantum physics during the 1920’s, describes the sub-atomic quantum world as having a duality. It is this same quantum world that gave us our most powerful technologies including nuclear fusion and the atom bomb.

Schrödinger explains the quantum world with thought-experiments. He suggests the idea of placing a cat in a closed box. Based on the possibility of radioactivity, the cat may or may not die. The dual reality of the quantum world is that the cat inside the closed box is both alive and dead at the same time. Until you open the box.

Our perception can only choose one. Our real world is bound by Newtonian laws, such as gravity and reactive forces. But the in the infinitesimally small quantum world, we could be in two places at once. We could travel anywhere in an instant. We could control time. Such power would be an epic rise in our evolution. All is possible in quantum, yet only one is possible in our real world.

The one binding factor between our real world and the quantum world is us, our perception. Although our perception is bound by reality, we are also made of the quantum world. According to quantum science, perception is a key to reality. This doesn’t mean we are in charge of our reality. This is theoretically unnatural and most likely impossible. But for people who suffer from OCD it’s a glimmer of hope.

OCD sufferers need to believe that their rituals can affect how they cope with reality. It’s not about having clean hands, that’s compulsive microbiophobia. OCD is the belief that by washing your hands a strict number of times, you will cope with whatever fears, anxieties or stress you are feeling. OCD is anxiety issues over the fear of no control. Much like an emotionally distraught child rocking quickly back and forth, it is a search for comfort in the midst of fear and pain.

Regardless of the kind of ritual or repetitive behavior, OCD is the attempt to control the mind and how it copes with life. In a common OCD occurrence, children can be seen trying hard not to step on a line. When they do step on a line, bad luck could come their way. For these children, not stepping on a line plays a significant role in how they perceive and cope with anxieties. It is worth to note that most children playing this game are just having fun with the idea.

But for OCD sufferers every ritual is performed in an attempt to control and cope with anxieties and or reality. If flicking the light switch 3 times is the required ritual, no other number will do. Any other number would be like stepping on the line. Flicking the light switch repeatedly may only be scratching the surface of the ritial for many people suffering from OCD.

The way you look and touch the light switch, what thoughts or words are going through your head at the moment you touch it, what sounds are happening, bodily functions like blinking could be incorporated in to the rituals. The heart beat rises, glands begin to perspire. OCD rituals must be performed properly. This can become very complicated, even debilitating, especially under stress. Knowing how ridiculous it all is only adds to your own anguish. Because it is so embarrassing, some can control it more in front of others. But the more severe the rituals become and the need to do them, the more your willing to perform your rituals in front of others.

And now, with quantum theory, science suggests we may have a say as to which reality we live in, or in the least that these parallel universes exist. As a result OCD becomes justified in its core belief. Through quantum physics, the idea that we may be in some sort of control over our world supports the OCD logic and reinforces the necessity for the rituals. But like sorcery and religious belief, the rituals are like black magic or prayers of faith over a concern.

OCD remains an unwelcomed disorder by its host. Like a prayer, it serves only to calm the soul. But now science may be construed to say that we may have control over reality. Maybe prayers do help. Maybe the rituals do make a difference. Maybe we do choose our reality. For OCD sufferers it is the perfect excuse to continue pursuing obsessively compulsive acts.

“Now, shut the light 3 times and go to bed. We’ll call the vet first thing and find out about Ruffy.”.

Norm L


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