So my last blog was about my break up. Well lately it's been hard to be friends with my ex boyfriend. He thinks either my friends or family put me up to breaking up with him but it wasn't true. I tried telling him that but he still won't believe me. I don't know what's worse, the fact that he won't believe me or the fact that his behavior makes me feel like according to him I can't make a decision on my own. I figure more than likely he will fall by the wayside if he can't get his head out up his…..nevermind.

Things have been going well, been getting a life and trying not to be so awkward with others although that has been a little difficult lately since I might be trying a little too hard. I always hate when that happens. I end up scaring people away when all I mean to do is get to know them and be a friend. I know it's good to be aware but sadly it means I have a lot of work ahead of me.

I've been pretty active in theatre lately and have roles in two upcoming shows one of them is for a dinner theatre event. I also have some friends who are interested in my singing as well. I mean things are really looking up but I feel so restless, like the bottom is going to drop out from under me and all is going to be lost. I want to be happy and excited for things but it feels like I can't again. I know many of you are probably getting sick of me getting to this awful place and getting stuck. I guess we all have that one thing that constantly follows us with our common condition.


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