So, I'm stuck here until my friend is done with class. which I wouldn't mind so much if I could go on youtube BUT i forgot my head phones.

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I've been chatting with some people, who are lovely but i've faded from their conversation. which always seems to happent to me. I just fade.

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another reason why I don't see why i'm needed in this world. it goes on just fine without why even bother?

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for the meantime i'll stay at my friends house but after awhile I'll just go to the street. I just want to fade away. so you might not or probaly won't be seeing much from me soon.

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I'm at a point where i just can't fake this anymore. everything is so loud, everything is so cruel and cold and evil.

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i don't want to live in that kind of world anymore. no one cares for one another. and those who try get crushed.

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theres no one to talk to about serious things and evenw hen you try they change the subject. I just wish I could talk to one person, let it all out, cry, scream, whatever and not be judged.

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not be rushed or make it be forgotten and move on to something else. or it turn to them when i'm clearly in horrible pain.

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I just can't deal anymore. everyone has a life, dreams,goals, friends, lovers,etc. I have none of that. my goals are useless. i'll never reach it.

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i can hear them, whispering things. mocking me, their disgust fill their voices when they think of me. why am I alive? they ask. yes…why am i?

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this body is useless, it's disgusting and need to die a slow painful death.

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I hurt, and I can't bare that pain anymore. the self harm doesn't help, talking doesn't help. nothing helps.

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i'm so weary, please let me just sleep….and never wake up.


1 Comment
  1. ocey_docie 9 years ago

    Hi! As I\'ve told you before, reading your blogs, is like seeing myself again when I was your age.. Everything will work out, and be better for you.. Hang in there, you are strong.. Kat.

    0 kudos

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