Hi guys, Hope everything's going alright. As many of you probably already know, from reading several of my blogs,...
I've been away dealing with my last chunk of uni work and I honestly felt amazing with so many...
5 Myths about Addiction that Undermine Recovery
JanWSOS, , Addiction, Addiction, Domestic Abuse, Medication, Sex Therapy, 2The five myths, with a brief explanation, are: 1) Addicts are bad people who deserve to be punished. "Driven...
Dear Life
lostgirl204, , Depression, Addiction, Anxiety, Career, Medication, Relationships, Schizophrenia, Sex Therapy, Suicide, Therapy, 1Dear life, When did you get so hard to handle? When did you become such a battle? I’m not...
Hi all, I have a major problem that I'm sure some of you or maybe most/all of you guys...
I don't know where to start. I have been depressed for so long. Was on medication for a while...
Well, work turned out to be a LOT busier than expected. The truck carrying all of the flowers for...
Sick. Part 2.. or A response to a fellow triber
Sage69, , Anxiety, Anxiety, Career, Medication, Parenting, Relationships, Stress, Therapist, 0yikes cold/allergies eh. feeling nervous is normal I hope youll get the job so lets crossed our fingers. Did...
The Sleepover
sadviolinist, , Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar, Medication, Sleep Disorders, Social Anxiety, 1It's gray again today. The storms yesterday were tremendous ~ I've got pictures I want to upload to post!...