It's gray again today. The storms yesterday were tremendous ~ I've got pictures I want to upload to post! Sunset was absolutely beautiful with the thunderheads over the ocean and blue and pink sky above me.

Tonight we're planning on going to the beach to look for sea turtles laying eggs. It's about that time of the year ~ and I love doing it! They're such magnificent creatures and so strong; they give me hope. Did you know that they return to the same beach every year and it's the one where they themselves hatched? How on earth do they know when they wander all over the oceans in the meantime?

I'm really nervous today. Zachary is having his first sleepover at someone else's house. I know Mindy will take good care of him and that he'll have fun, but it's hard to accept that he's growing up. I just hope he makes it through the night without any problems. Just in case we'll keep our cell phones near the bed if I need to come get him in the middle of the night if he gets scared.

Yesterday evening we ended up going over to my friend Michelle's house to hang out while the guys hung blinds and tried to recharge the AC in her car. We sat and watched the storms and the heat lightning over the ocean while we talked about life and where it's taking us possibly. Neither one of us really know, lol. It's really an adventure, and I know that. I just have to learn to roll with it and enjoy the journey.

I also talked with Mindy quite awhile yesterday on the phone about all sorts of stuff. It's so good to have someone close by to talk to and hang out with that deals with the same issues that I do from the bipolar disorder. She really gets me and vice versa. I don't have to hide my issues from her and I can be very honest and not have to worry about her turning away because likely she's dealing with the same problems.

Our day here is going to be kind of lazy, unless I get motivated to get some of the cleaning done downstairs. I also have to figure out what to cook for dinner tonight ~ blech. I'm not big on cooking right now. It's a pain in the butt and it takes too long.

Already Zach and Aaron are bickering this morning. Ugh. I can tell what kind of day this might be. Zachary's going to get himself in trouble if he keeps it up. Right now he's back-talking his Dad and that's not going to turn out well. Someday he'll figure it out, lol.

We FINALLY got some flea medication for our cats and put it on them. The poor babies were scratching themselves senseless and I just couldn't watch it anymore. There's no reason for them to be miserable. I can't stand seeing animals in pain or discomfort when it's unnecessary. So pretty soon they'll start to feel better, which I'm very glad for.

There's a beautiful calico cat that is hanging out on our property all of the time now. I wonder if she's a stray or an outdoor kitty of somebody's. She looks pretty well taken care of so I'm betting she's just an outdoor cat. But she likes to hang out here, and she's shy but sweet, so I don't mind.

Anyhow, wish me luck with not being a nervous wreck about Zach sleeping over with a friend tonight! I bet I won't sleep for anything, lol. I'm going to be waiting for that phone call to come and get him. I did that a few times myself on my first sleepovers.

Hopefully everyone will have a good Saturday and enjoy their weekend! (((HUGS))) to you all! 🙂

1 Comment
  1. ancientgeekcrone 11 years ago

    Time marches on. First,get on the bus alone. Second sleepovers at friends house,3rd: coming up

    0 kudos

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