I know I'm tired. Have had a back problem for about a month now, and it doesn't want to...
Found My match
Tali_G87, , Depression, Addiction, Borderline Personality Disorder, Career, Child, Dissociative Disorder, Domestic Abuse, Personality Disorder, PTSD, Relationships, Schizophrenia, Sleep Disorders, Social Anxiety, 0Hello! I know it's been about 8 or so months since I've last updated thisblog. So much has happened....
Tired of the bullshit
lostandlonelygirl, , Depression, Borderline Personality Disorder, Medication, Personality Disorder, 0It's hard when I feel like my mental illness has ruined my life.I shouldn't say this,but I hate taking...
So sitting in my room, I now return here to write. I can't even tell you when the last...
I've been searching recently for a guy to spend my time with and to have just someone who would...
My life in a nutshell
lostandlonelygirl, , Depression, Anger, Borderline Personality Disorder, Personality Disorder, Relationships, 0I dont know what I am feeling right now.Its like I'm feeling a little bit of every emotion,but I...
silly bands, just another fad, in today, and out tomorrow, just like you, your attitude, the whole "i have...
Journal Entry #1 (unknown date)
noiamlostwhere, , Anxiety, Anxiety, Borderline Personality Disorder, Depression, Personality Disorder, Relationships, Religion, Suicide, Therapy, 1Books to read: "I thought it was just me (but it isn\'t)" – Brene` Brown...
deidrexx, , Anxiety, Addiction, Anxiety, Depression, Medication, Personality Disorder, Sleep Disorders, Weight Loss, 1Wow I am so anxious lately. Really it is awful. I am trying everything both bad and good to...
This is going to be a long one…
pejink, , Anxiety, Anxiety, Medication, OCD, Personality Disorder, Questions, Suicide, Therapist, Weight Loss, 2I just started an SSRI (Zoloft) 12 days ago. My experience with my last SSRI lasted 18 months...