So I guess I should give a back story? (warning I ramble for anyone who actually bothers to read...
Why Can’t People Accept Each Other?
hungryhaley, , LGBT, Anxiety, Lesbian, Gay, LGBTQ, Relationships, Religion, Sex Therapy, 1Life is getting harder by every second now. We’re supposed to enjoy and cherish every moment of life, but...
My Past Coming Back to Bite Me in the Ass
hungryhaley, , Teens, Anxiety, Depression, Infidelity, Relationships, Religion, Sex Therapy, 0Hey everyone, so I believe it was April 6th; my now ex, broke up with me. I finally have...
History Repeating Itself
Meh.Mily, , Anxiety, Depression, Marriage & Family, Anxiety, Child, Depression, Obesity, Relationships, Religion, Suicide, Therapy, Weight Loss, 0As a 25 year old who has suffered from anxiety and depression since the tender age of 12, I...
a.jones3685, , Addiction, Anxiety, Addiction, Anxiety, Career, Relationships, Religion, Spirituality, Therapist, 0I know we’re all busy and I TRULY appreciate you giving me your time. I’m in recovery from a...
I hate where I am but it is heaven compared to where I was
BeccaSweet, , Anxiety, Depression, HIV or Aids, LGBT, Marriage & Family, Teens, Uncategorized, Anxiety, Child, Relationships, Religion, Sex Therapy, Suicide, 1Life is full of shitty surprises. A little over 7 months ago, I was your typical high schooler, spoiled,...
Social anxiety and self medication relapse – plan of action
Alitheia, , Addiction, Anxiety, Anxiety, Career, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Depression, Medication, Personality Disorder, Relationships, Religion, Sleep Disorders, Social Anxiety, Therapist, 0I’ve come a long way since I first accepted that drugs were the problem and not the solution for...
this is where things once again get tricky. do you remember the venn diagram? well, it’s sort of like...
i’ve been thinking (part one)…
chupacabra, , Anxiety, Depression, LGBT, Child, Mindfulness, Questions, Religion, 0my whole life has been spent trying to make other people happy. my parents and my church taught me...
Depression and relationship
M@ri, , Depression, Teens, Anxiety, Depression, Relationships, Religion, Sleep Disorders, Suicide, 4Hi, everyone! First of all i’m sorry for my bad english, I will try to do my best. I’m...