If you are feeling suicidal now, please stop long enough to read this. It will only take about five...
Wow, I'm dumb
SimeonRussell, , Anxiety, ADHD, Anxiety, Career, Divorce, Domestic Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Obesity, Relationships, Religion, Sexual Abuse, Stress, Therapist, 2Well, I'm a dim wit. I forgot to do my FIRST POST! So here it is 🙂 Hi, I'm...
Good mornin Tribe … its funny how u can have so much goin on that u forget what day...
I'm struggling to fight the black dog off. I talked to Dan as usual, he's doing this for us....
Offspring in the Summer
sosgirl, , Depression, Addiction, Anxiety, Career, Child, Depression, Lesbian, Gay, LGBTQ, Personality Disorder, PTSD, Questions, Religion, Self Esteem, Sex Therapy, Sleep Disorders, Social Anxiety, Spirituality, Stress, Suicide, Therapist, 1So I got a job as a camp counselor, which is pretty cool, not gonna lie. It feels very...
It\'s one of those "you learn something new every day" kind of things…it started with a question on Facebook,...
It's one of those "you learn something new every day" kind of things…it started with a question on Facebook,...
For those of u who have followed my blogs, u know by now that I love to laugh …...
Good mornin Tribe!!! Hope everyone had a good nites sleep. Was good here. How do u start ur day?...