if life could have thrown a damn curve ball at me it would have been now, damn almost 21...
I don't know
NuNu06, , Depression, Anger, Career, Child, Depression, Relationships, Stress, 2I fuccn hate everything and everybody. i fuccn hate life also. I have 2 beautiful children but im not...
I'm so sick of all these money issues and shit. Ever since my brother stole all of my mom's...
I still never quite sure knew what started my anxiety or why I get it exactly. All I knew...
I think this is good writing…
Stinkerbell44, , OCD, Anger, Career, Child, Grief, Questions, Sleep Disorders, Stress, 1Today has been a pretty good day. I got a lot of sleep, and found out for SURE that...
Never Good Enough
yuoz, , HIV or Aids, Anger, Stress, 1I seem to have an issue in life that I deal with the best I can & yet that...
Shit is going ON.
Ingibjorg, , Depression, Anxiety, Grief, Medication, Questions, Relationships, Sleep Disorders, Stress, Suicide, 0So, there is a lot of drama going on, I'm going nuts right now, I've taken sooo many anxiety...
Cursing Chant
sosgirl, , Depression, Addiction, Career, Child, Domestic Abuse, Questions, Relationships, Sleep Disorders, Stress, 0Moncœurva exploser. Oh, I'm sure that translation was wrong. I'm not much in the mood to care, though. Adrenaline...